Hefei Land Center interprets new ideas of life
Every ideology of life has its suitable moment of birth, and there is a stage of spiritual light that is born and generated. We call it the soil of culture or the atmosphere of the times, and this case clearly understands the truth behind it.

Enhance Your Space with Stainless Steel: Your Go-To Metal Fit Out Supplier

Material Identification of Stainless Steel
Stainless steel is a building material that is widely used in modern times, and there are many types and models of it. The most popular one is 304 stainless steel. Below we will introduce you to 304 stainless steel and how to identify the true and false.

How Much Do You Know About Stainless Steel?
1.What is stainless steel?
Stainless steel is a type of steel, steel is refer to the content of carbon(C) below 2%; carbon(C) more than 2% is iron. When in the smelting the steel process, will add elements chromium (Cr), nickel (Ni), manganese (Mn), silicon (Si), titanium (Ti), molybdenum (Mo) and other alloying elements,